I hung up my whiteboard that has a blank calendar, a space to write notes, and cork board to hang things up on. I plan to hang up the music vocabulary words we are working on and I will write the 4 day rotation schedule on the calendar.
I use the little white amp to plug in my iPad for when we need a metronome. Since my computer will already be plugged into the stereo jack on the Bose there isn't any way for me to plug the iPad in too. It's just easier to have the iPad plugged into it's own amp. I don't have to fumble with trying to switch out the jack from my computer to my iPad. I got the amp from Sam's Club. It's portable and has a rechargeable battery. Works great when you want to take a class outside for the day.
The two small carts with drawers have my manipulatives that I use in class (e.g rhythm cards, alphabet carts, beat charts, orchestra materials, etc.). The silver utility cart holds the ActivExpression and the ActiVotes. These are little remotes known as clickers. Students can click in their answer and it will let me know how each student answered the question. 2nd-5th grade use the Expression and Kinder and 1st grade use the Votes. My piano sits behind the carts. It is facing the risers so I can see the students when I am playing. The Isle of Rest is behind the piano. I keep the piano locked during class so they can't try to play the piano when they are back there.
Here are the Orff instruments. Behind the tree are the djembes on stands and tubanos. The chest has a classroom set of drum pads and drumsticks. The chart stand has a magnetic white board and the other side is a felt board, but I hang my pocket chart on it. | Here is the book case that I finally finished organizing. The top shelf has my teaching supplies (e.g. scissors, staplers, paper clips, cleaning supplies). The other shelves has some more manipulatives that I use in class throughout the year (e.g. beach balls, large dice, pitch exploration tools, etc.) | These are the Recorder Karate notebooks that are on the shelves on the side of the risers. There are 4 notebooks in each tub. I put my student in groups of 3-4 students. Each group is a shape. I was going to use something musical like instruments names or note names, but I have some cute clip art of shapes so I went with that. | Here is a close up of the clip art. |